We primarily use Sketch for our design layouts and InVision for prototyping to give you an interactive look and feel of your app.

Sketch is a cutting-edge design tool that allows for precise, vector-based designs. It offers flexibility and a wide range of plugins, streamlining the design process.

InVision lets us transform our designs from Sketch into interactive prototypes. This allows stakeholders to get a tangible feel of the app’s flow, transitions, and overall user experience.

Absolutely! Your insights and feedback are invaluable. We encourage collaborative sessions and regular check-ins to ensure the design aligns with your vision.

Our designers follow established UX/UI principles and trends. Additionally, using InVision, we can conduct usability tests to gather real user feedback, ensuring the design is both intuitive and engaging.

No worries! The purpose of prototyping is to visualize and refine. You can suggest changes, and we’ll iterate the design accordingly.

Of course! While our designers will offer guidance based on industry best practices and current trends, your preferences play a crucial role in the final design decisions.

The duration varies based on the app’s complexity and features. However, we’ll provide an estimated timeline at the project’s outset and strive to stick to it.

Feedback is an integral part of the design process. We use tools like InVision, which allow you to comment directly on the prototype. Our team then reviews and incorporates feedback, ensuring the design is refined to perfection.


The Discovery phase is crucial in understanding and refining your app idea. We delve deep to align your vision with market needs, ensuring a solid foundation for your MVP.

The duration can vary based on the complexity of the idea, but typically, our Discovery phase lasts between 2 to 4 weeks.

Post-Discovery, you’ll receive a detailed roadmap, user personas, a refined app concept, and a preliminary design mockup to set the stage for the design and development phases.

While it’s beneficial to come with a clear idea and any market research you’ve done, our team is equipped to guide you through refining even initial, raw concepts.

Feedback and iterations are part of the process! We’re flexible and will work with you to ensure the final concept aligns with your vision and market demands.


An MVP, or Minimum Viable Product, is a version of your product built with the minimum features necessary to satisfy early adopters. It allows for quick market testing with minimal resources, providing valuable feedback for further iterations.

Starting with an MVP allows you to:

  • Validate your concept in the real market.
  • Gather feedback from actual users.
  • Minimize initial development costs.
  • Pivot or refine your idea based on actual data and user behavior.

The time to build an MVP varies based on complexity, features, and technology. On average, it can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. At BuildMyAppIdea, we’ll give you a more accurate timeline after our Discovery phase.

Costs vary depending on the scope and requirements of the project. Once we have a clear understanding of your needs during the Discovery phase, we can provide a more precise estimate.

Our Discovery phase is designed to help identify and prioritize the essential features that provide the most value to your users and align with your business goals.

Once your MVP is live, the next steps involve:

  • Gathering user feedback.
  • Monitoring user interactions and analytics.
  • Iterating and refining based on the feedback and data.
  • Planning for a more feature-rich version or full-scale launch.

Yes! While an MVP focuses on essential features, we ensure it’s polished, user-friendly, and provides a positive user experience. The goal is to give early adopters a functional and engaging product.

Absolutely. Our 2viz tech platform is designed for scalability. Whether you’re starting with an MVP or aiming for a global enterprise solution, we provide seamless transitions and robust functionalities.

We value collaboration and transparency. If you need changes during development, our team will discuss potential impacts on timeline and budget, ensuring you’re always in the loop.

At BuildMyAppIdea, we’re not just developers; we’re your partners in bringing your vision to life. From the Discovery phase to MVP launch, our comprehensive approach ensures your product is market-ready, user-centric, and set for success.

The Discovery phase is crucial in understanding and refining your app idea. We delve deep to align your vision with market needs, ensuring a solid foundation for your MVP.

The duration can vary based on the complexity of the idea, but typically, our Discovery phase lasts between 2 to 4 weeks.

Post-Discovery, you’ll receive a detailed roadmap, user personas, a refined app concept, and a preliminary design mockup to set the stage for the design and development phases.

Feedback and iterations are part of the process! We’re flexible and will work with you to ensure the final concept aligns with your vision and market demands.



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